Soph0571's JournalJim Crow Rising

They KNOW that they cannot win with an enfranchised populace. They cheated and lied and suppressed the vote in 2020 and it still was not enough, so they have to go further. Why try and broaden your coalition and appeal when you can just block certain communities from voting period? They are despicable. They are fascists and they will not stop.
Deplorables 2021 going further and farther than ever before in their attempts to overthrow democracy.
Very much a first world problem, but...
When you live a single occupancy household, during a national lockdown, and the highlight of your week is standing in shitty, sleet snow powered by a bitter wind, for over an hour to access you local favourite emporium on a Sunday, to do a weekly grocery shop, and see actual human beings (rather than on screen) for the first time in 7 days...
Fun times 👀
They have defined themselves and need to own the fascist cray cray

199 republican lawmakers have decided to embrace the following positions:
"Q" is "someone that very much loves his country, and he's on the same page as us, and he is very pro-Trump."
"There's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshipping paedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it,"
"none of the School shootings were real,"
"false flag" [operations on school shootings]
[Pelosi] "a traitor to our country, she's guilty of treason, a crime punishable by death."
[On Jewish lasers in space - Rothschild investment bank was involved in the creation of the lasers.] "Could that cause a fire? Hmmm, I don't know, I hope not! That wouldn't look so good for PG&E, Rothschild Inc, Solaren or Jerry Brown who sure does seem fond of PG&E."
"The people re-elected Donald Trump. Now, it's time to #FightForTrump."
So just to recap republican representatives give a standing ovation to the following positions:
Q is a patriot, who loves America and is very pro-Trump not a batshit cray cray conspiracy theory that exploits peoples vulnerabilities and had had a significant impact on victims mental well being
Democrats and Hollywood elites are satan worshipping, baby blood drinking, paedophiles, when they are not busy being the deep state and eating Pizza in the basement
School Massacres are not a thing. Period. All made up cause cold bare hands and all that bollocks.
Happy that colleagues across the aisle are branded traitors who should be put to death, and then they feign shock when their base tries to do exactly that.
Jewish laser beams. Anti-Semitic and cray cray in one fell swoop.
The big lie. The big fascist nasty lie.
They have bought the cheese, they are so far down the rabbit hole that seemingly there is no way out. They built the layers of crazy since President Obama won his first term, and they really do own this now. The batshit member from Georgia, has them by the balls and is squeezing hard. Pizza anyone?
A splendid summary of GOP mendacity by Mr Takei...

Of course they are such moral and ethical freed zones that they actively compete to be the most mendacious person on the political field.
On planet not nazi there are times when it is healthy to move on and compromise. But when one side incites violent insurrection to try and circumvent democracy itself? And then demand compromise when they fail brazen fascists they are. Their actions cannot be brushed aside, however much they insist they should be, because they knew exactly what they were doing when they helped incite an insurrection and then went back into the Capitol to vote to disenfranchise millions of black voters. They know they were active participants in a very real attempt to overthrow the peaceful transition of power, and thereby destroy the republic, they know, and they just dont care. They cannot be reasoned with and they cannot be trusted, you cannot have unity with people who would watch democracy die for individual power. Unity be damned, they grew their unique brand of American fascism as part of a pact with the underbelly of society, to retain office by all means necessary, let them be forever branded with this... mendacity, fascism and bat shit cray cray in equal measure...

Such terrible luck with these Irish Sea border shenanigans would have thunk it?!?!

You can hear it from the before times. 'No Surrender!' 'Ulster says no!'.
The language of the troubles back front and centre... who could possibly have predicted it 👀
An unappreciation appreciation thread for cult maga
OK, OK, I know, I hear your groans but bear with me loves, I have thoughts:
Before this part of the electorate who embrace fascism under the MAGA umbrella of hate, white supremacy and nationalism, xenophobia, islamophobia, homophobia and women hating bollocks, where given permission to be these nasty fuckers they are, many of these horrors lived among the community unexposed.
Without the insurrection on the Capitol, many would have worked alongside fascists who would fight violently to steal democracy without knowing who they were.
Without their maga rallies and their hate for other, many may still have voted for Trump, and switched their vote to Biden, because his core supporters were demonstrably batshit cray cray.
Without the death cult, and the herd community nonsense that actively tried to kill seniors, there may have been enough seniors to swing that vote to Trump.
Without maga we would not be having serious discussions about what American Fascism looks like in the 21st Century and how we can stop it.
Without the wingnuts we would not have seen record turnouts to turn all branches of government blue, enabling President Biden to have some of the tools he needs to govern effectively.
You can not have an appreciation thread for maga (lower case intentional). But an unappreciation thread seems like a plan. These fuckers tried to fuck democracy and, in the process, fucked themselves. I do not appreciate them. But unappreciating them seems like a plan. Huzzah
If BoJo was really taking responsibility he would have resigned
His whole government should resign, if they take responsibility for the death toll they have wrought on this nation.
Over 100,000 deaths, apparently it is still not the time to make international comparisons - because we have the worst death in the world - and it still not the time to ask what went wrong - because they know their overwhelming incompetence lies at the heart of this disaster.
Too late
Too shit
Too horrible
And yet even as they say they take full responsibility, in reality they take no responsibility at all.
see the warning signs #lightthedarkness #holocaustremembranceday"We can learn from history, but we can also deceive ourselves when we selectively take evidence from the past to justify what we have already made up our minds to do." Margaret MacMillan

DU bubble hug needed post haste
This third lockdown in London is kicking my arse.
I am now a single occupancy household. On my own. There are no bubbles that have space for me cause childcare etc. Have a job which is very busy and so is marvellous, but I can go days without seeing another human other than through teams. Standing in the rain for an hour to get into a supermarket where the shelves are sparse cause Brexit is the most interesting part of my weekend. You are my bubble. I need a virtual bubble hug circle. I am hard core, hell I am a child of the troubles, but loves I need some support right now. I am on my own and my mental health support system lives right here with you. This is HARD. Proper discombobulating nasty in a world where London is the death centre of the world right now, and my heart is sore.
Just sayin'
The 9th Hole of Hell

Frozen out in the swamp of their own making as they pandered to the whims of a white supremacist man boy.. couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch. May they all be consigned to fetid swap of fascistic history. Heh.
Dantes 9th Circle be like...
The Emperor of the kingdom dolorous
From his mid-breast forth issued from the ice;
And better with a giant I compare
Than do the giants with those arms of his;
Consider now how great must be that whole,
Which unto such a part conforms itself.
Were he as fair once, as he now is foul,
And lifted up his brow against his Maker,
Well may proceed from him all tribulation.
O, what a marvel it appeared to me,
When I beheld three faces on his head!
The one in front, and that vermilion was;
The worst circle of them all. Reserved for the worst sin of all... Treachery. How very appropriate.

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