Soph0571's JournalSorry? What now? 20th Century Patriarchy in a 21st Century World
Let me tell you a story of an interaction I had today. An internal applicant has applied for a job on one of my teams, it would be a significant jump for her internally, but her previous employment history indicates that she is certainly qualified to be interviewed for the post. Due to the current lock down I have delayed recruitment and requested she be seconded for three months to me and when our recruitment freeze is over she should be able to demonstrate to the business that the proposed jump is worth while.
In conversation with her manager today, he decided FOR HER that she was not ready for this post, not because of her skills set, but because the STRESS OF HER HOME LIFE coupled with the NEW JOB would be too much of a strain for her. Excuse me? What now? So a woman decides to apply for a job, that she has the skills set to do well, and has done in the past, and her manager tries to put me off cause he thinks he is somehow responsible for her supposed stress levels. Good grief. I have no doubt that his intentions where honourable in his own head. I do not believe he was trying to steal an opportunity from her for any nefarious reason. He was doing patriarchal patronisation for what he felt where valid reasons, without realising he was doing it.
My response
That's lovely. A woman can make her own decisions about the level of stress they can handle, if she is up for it, my job is to support her to make it a success, not limit her because of the stress she has to manage outside of business.
Not in response cause I am professional
Do one you sexist dick, have you ever heard of women making their own choices, and the sisterhood that supports raising up women wherever and whenever we can, because of chaps just like you? You have really pissed me off and for sure I am raising this so you can get some training...
She starts working for me Monday
I am soooooooo enjoying my new job! LOL
PS - had a long conversation with her this evening and she is amazing - she is going to be brilliant!
21st Century Fascist Terrorist Hunger Strikes Are Totally Snowflake

LOLOLOLOL. Not sure how much Avocado toast is available in lock up!!!! I feel a guffaw coming.
...let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream...

History of course will judge them - but let part of that examination being about the length of their jail sentences... let history know that they were judged and judged harshly so the next time a fascist dictator wannabee wants to pull of a coup he / she thinks better of it!
Unity with fascists makes us fascist. We don't unite with fascists. We defeat them then she continues


Now more than ever, Adam Schiff's Midnight in Washington speech ranks with the greatest in history.
''It is Midnight in Washington.
The lights are finally going out in the Capitol after a long day in the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump.
You cant trust this president to do the right thing. Not for one minute, not for one election, not for the sake of our country.
You just cant.
He will not change. And you know it.
History will not be kind to Donald Trump. I think we all know that, not because it will be written by never-Trumpers. But because whenever we have departed from the values of our nation, we have come to regret it. And that regret is written all over the pages of our history.
If you find that the house has proved its case, and still vote to acquit, your name will be tied to his with a cord of steel and for all of history.
He has betrayed our national security. He has compromised our elections, and he will do so again.
You will not change him. You cannot constrain him. Truth matters little to him.
Whats right matters even less and decency matters not at all.
We have proven Donald Trump guilty. Now do impartial justice and convict him''
You will not change him. You cannot constrain him. Truth matters little to him.]
Emphasis mine
And here we are - with a bunch of complicit fascists whining that they could not have known he would go this far... All of them who failed to hold a proper and transparent hearing over Trumps impeachment need to be held accountable. They knew ir. They saw it. A democratic congress shoved their faces in it, and yet they need nothing to stop this man.
It wasn't me, it was Antifa, claims Shaggy
The popular noughties singer, who was clearly witnessed banging on the bathroom floor, said that initial reports that it was him had been questioned by multiple sources and it is much more likely that the perpetrator was hard-left infiltrators.
However, witnesses were unmoved, saying they never took their eyes off him as he pounded away butt naked.
A lot of people are saying it might not have been Shaggy, said Conservative commenters on Twitter. You have to at least consider the possibility that he was not to blame, and instead a fifth-column of socialists dressed up to look exactly like him and cheated with the girl next door to make him look bad.
And even if it was him, what about all the bad things other people have done? Why does nobody ever report that instead of talking about what Shaggy might or might not have done?
You should keep an open mind about who it was.]
Fascists everywhere...

Tyrants gaze with glee at what Trump has done to American democracy
We must hope that this is the final service that Mr Trump will render to the worlds autocracies after four years of offering them encouragement. From Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil to Viktor Orbán in Hungary to Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, authoritarians recognised themselves in his behaviour and from that drew strength. The Trump presidency has emboldened autocrats the world over to believe that liberal democracy is in decline and tomorrow belongs to them. It is not just America that has suffered a terrible price for the Trump presidency. The cost is being paid in lost liberty around the planet.]
Emphasis Mine
When America catches a cold the whole world sneezes.
Obvs Trump was never going to pull off the coup his habit of failing upward throughout his life continues unabated. However Biden is going to have to put the worlds strong men back in their tyrannical boxes of murderous bollocks post haste
Trump as a gay wedding cake wins the internet this week... of Twitter as a Christian bakery and Trump as a gay wedding cake.

Just genius!
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