Soph0571's JournalBest description of the seditious MAGA wankers I have seen this week

What a splendid way with words!

So expect a *lot* of fascist tears about 'Big Tech' & 'censorship' in the coming months. time they started holding these fascist propogandists responsible for their seditious bollocks...
Oh what a lovely sight to behold...

Twitter. Facebook. Insta. See ya Donnie McTraitorFace Youtube has booted Bannon. Google has suspended Parler and Apple is threatening to follow. Rush has suspended his own twitter account in protest. Right wing twitter is divided between blaming antifa for the seditious acts of treason that MAGA wankers committed with impunity, and trying to distance themselves for their own very obvious fascism. They are eating their own and LOLZ.
Question of the ages though - why the fuck did the MAGA storming Congress think they would be successful. I mean they were following the orders of a man who has failed upwards his entire life... why would they think he could pull of a successful coup? I mean the man in an incompetent surrounded by sycophantic incompetents. Of course it was always going to end the way it did and they will all be rounded up and locked up - for Trump?!?!?! Suckers.
'Traitor': Lindsey Graham surrounded by Trump supporters at airport after breaking with president
"One day you will not be able to walk down the street," one woman yells in video shared by Politicos Daniel Lippman. Today is the day.]
Rock. Hard Place. Oh my.
This was posted on his twitter feed early by what I can only presume is a cultist..

LOL, poor old Lindsay... 4 years of denigrating himself at the alter of Mad King Trump and it has all been for nought. Couldn't happen to a more deserving sycophantic toady.. a traitor to the constituent and now a traitor to those who want to destroy the constitution...bloody marvellous.
The Left: "Trump is a Nazi who appeals to Nazis!" Right: "Oh, fuck off. You say everyone you don't like is a Nazi, snowflake."
The Right: *votes Trump*
*Nazis storm Congress at Trump's behest*
The Right: "How dare you say we're complicit in this act!"
Right wing be like...

Trump acknowledges he will leave the White House -- in 4 am statement on aide's Twitter account
In it, Trump acknowledges there will be a transition, but continues to repeat his delusions about the election that resulted in the fatal attack on the capitol.]
Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our...
...fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, its only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!
What a dick. Why can't he just fuck off already. Are we supposed to congratulate the fascist that after his failed coup attempt he will now agree to a peaceful transfer of power. What does he want, a round of applause?
The 21st century fascist be like...

Exactly this.
Every time they flap their gums about being 'cancelled', or whine that the 'woke' set are being mean to them.
Every time they get up in our faces and demand the right to spout the utter racist, homophobic shit show of nasty, that they obscenely wallow in on a far to regular basis.
Every time they demand we listen to their lies and swallow them like we are fools.
Every single time this has NOTHING to do with free speech and everything to do them attempting to destroy the liberal, progressive and inclusive progress that the West has made over the last 50-60 years. They want to go back to a time when black people 'knew their place', when Johnny Foreigner stayed away from the shores of Rule Britannia, when the working class tugged their forelocks appropriately to the exclusively white male pale and stale ruling elites while being treated with contempt by them.
Free Speech my arse. They want to normalise abusive bullying racist rhetoric, again. They really are horrid.
Trump Must Be Lawfully Removed From Office As Fast As Possible
Absolutely nailed it.
Round of applause my lovelies
I was watching CNN earlier. Schumer and then Toady Ted - apart from Trump no-one deserves a hard slap more and I include McTurtle in that - on the Senate Floor. I have had Georgia results on in the background all day as I work, and I just wanted to say to my splendid DU family across the pond. Well done!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! Hurrah!!!! Huzzah and everything in between!!!!!
You have hung in there. You have fought the good fight. You have worn your very righteous indignation on your sleeve. Your mental well being has been battered. Your actual health and wealth has been severely damaged by the fascist in chief and his enablers and yet HERE YOU ARE! Maybe a bit bruised but fucking hell loves - you helped fight the good fight, you helped fight off a coup by the awfulness that has pervaded the republican version of public service for the last four years (stealing, thieving, grift and nasty). You never gave up, even when the odds seemed daunting.
The result - as you all know - BUT will always bear REPEATING ...
WH - Democratic Check
Senate - Democratic Check
Congress - Democratic Check
Take a bow you progressive monsters for actual equality, justice and freedom - rather than the bullshit the republicans claim as their own.
All of you own part of this and I could not be more proud to be part of this community.
Take a fucking bow my loves, you bloody well deserve it!
Hear Yee Hear Yee
From our hopes to the righteous democratic ears of goodness and Stacey. HURRAH!
Pandering to the great orange ego is more vital than democracy...

Exactly. I would add - their white supremacist pride... after all they are really focussing in on majority black communities as they try and disenfranchise the vote of millions of Americans. White only democracy is not democracy at all...
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