Soph0571's JournalMove along. Nothing to see here...👀

They need to get this pesky being held to account schtick over and done with asap. Trump is signalling that they should stand by again and they need to get to insurrecting.
''Like the vanquished Confederates, the KKK and the Nazis, todays right-wing extremists make victims out of the guilty to justify their intensifying fascism'' Noah Berlatsky
Stupid and delusional, with limited consequences to their actions- a deadly combination.
Robert Reich: Supreme court, Facebook, Fed: three horsemen of democracy's apocalypse

Beware. Democracy depends on accountability. Accountability provides checks on power. If abuses of power go unchallenged, those who wield it will only consolidate their power further. Its a vicious cycle that erodes faith in democracy itself.]
Very interesting analysis at the link. It does feel like the west is on the cusp of something and it could go either way.
And in the comment section of the article...this:

Apparently, the Trump rally has a Braveheart theme.

Good grief. ''...they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDUMB!''

GOP Operative: Helping Kids of Color Feel Like They Belong Hurts White Kids
When questioned about her comment, Beeman said, The statement I made was poorly worded and shown out of context. Guilford students who may have staunch Judeo-Christian values, or simply are conservative thinkers, have been bullied into submission by their teachers and fellow students with left-leaning ideologies, Eyewitness News 3 reports.]
Emphasis mine
Well, ain't this KKKaren peachy? And still the racists think they get to say the quiet part out loud. Not sure her admitting that Judeo Christian value holders and conservative thinkers are white supremacists and ethno nationalists is the look they should be going for in 2021...

Thoughts and Prayers...

Tea Party firebrand Allen West tweets that he has COVID-19, pneumonia, and low oxygen
My chest X-rays do show COVID pneumonia, not serious," he wrote. "I am probably going to be admitted to the hospital.]
Emphasis mine
Hate to break it to him but covid pneumonia can kill ya, and neither the hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin that he is taking will do anything to stop it. Didn't he get the memo that as a far right politician you only PRETEND not to have had the vaccine to ensure the anti-vaxxer cray crays stay on side? Seemingly not. Or maybe he did but decided that coughing up a lung by choice would give him a leg up with the MAGA base freedumb crowd. Probably won't work though cause he is black after all and I reckon that Trumps intentional covid self harm any day of the white supremacist year.
But thoughts and prayers....
Siri, show me peak white privilege

Its racist to actually suggest everyone whos white somehow is riddled with privilege."
"I hope [using the term white privilege] will be reported, I hope that will be looked into, and any teacher whos perpetuated it in the classroom ultimately should face a disciplinary hearing at the very least."]
Emphasis mine
Prevent is the programme that people who are perceived to be at risk of extreme ideologies are referred. EG far right Nazis or ISIS wannabees. But yeah white privilege is just like that says a middle aged, middle class, BoJo far right white privileged man. Maybe he should refer himself as the Tory party is now the party of far right racist ideologues. Nazi's without the skinheads. Heh
I have always been a bit sketchy about reincarnation. Well, until now that is.

Explains how he is doing such a good job screwing the entire nation...

Twitter is amused, I am not
The UK Justice Secretary on the BBC this morning said this:
Misogyny is absolutely wrong, whether its a man against a woman, or a woman against a man
Much mocking of the hideous human who has been foisted on us by little englanders has ensued, but this is not funny, and he did not say this in error. This is the Deputy PM and Justice Secretary. In a world of systematic misogyny, the chap in charge of the reform of the justice system is doing whataboutery. It is the equivalent to the #NotAllMen crowd. It is on purpose. It is sending a message to the women and girls of the UK that their very valid fears and concerns matter not one jot to the men in charge. He has trivialised the lived experience of millions of women and this is the exact message he intended to send. Twitter saying he is an idiot, and mocking his stupidity, allows the patriarchy to do what it does best, again. Nothing funny about that.
Time for the timelines and theme for the October Photography contest!
Hello my lovelies.
I am running the October contest with the delightful HAB911 providing the theme and he has come up with a humdinger! Drum roll please
"Roadscapes, rural or urban, old or new"
Additional clarification from HAB: My thinking is if the road surface itself is not visible, it should be obvious it is a road as would be the case of a bridge.
He acknowledges that there may be further questions on the theme so ask away and he will be around to answer them.
Timelines are as follows:
Contest will open on the 13th of October (next Wednesday) and remain open for one week. That gives you 8 days to get out there and find the most splendid road possible! As always lets try and get 30 original entries which you all know means I will be irritatingly frequent in my reminders about the comp.
Second round of voting will open on the 21st of October and remain open for 3 days, with the finals being posted on 24th October and the winner being announced on 27th!
Get snapping and see you on the 13th!
Soph x
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Member since: Fri Oct 13, 2017, 05:59 PM
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