Collimator's JournalJust Started Watching The "RBG" Documentary.
I have decided to take a break because
A) I am overwhelmed by RBG's awesomeness.
B) I can only deal with so many feelings of inadequacy at one time.
For the record: I Do Not Believe In Magical Thinking
However, it is easy to fall into wishful thinking. It's probably unhealthy, but I find it comforting at times.
If I could make a request of an actual magical power being, it would be for some minor vexation to befall Trump in public.
(Even in my fantasies I wouldn't want to "wish" him dead because I really want the world to work properly, if you get my meaning.)
So, witches, if you're out there--and you know that I'm only kidding 'cause I'm saying it out loud in a public venue--could you please cast a spell for one of the following?
A bird to unload on Trump's hair and shoulder during one of his chopper talks. I know that a bird pooping on one is supposed to be good luck, but the good luck could be Trump not getting clawed by the bird.
Trump to loudly (and visibly) shart himself while walking up the stairs to Air Force One.
A serious nosebleed to afflict him while sitting next to the president of some other country and embarrassing himself (and us) with his stupid words.
Okay, that's three things. I could come up with more, but I don't want to be greedy and I know the basic rules about wishes. So, thanks.
Don Junior has words for Hunter Biden
Don warned Hunter about the dangers of using too much hair gel.
Nah, he actually implied that the younger Biden only got ahead because of his dad.
(Sorry if this is a duplicate of some other thread subject.)
It's Tough To Beat Basic Physics
Trump and Company can deny the science on climate change all that they want. But some essential principles of the universe keep on working with or without the interpretation or even acknowledgement of mere humans.
Undeniable fact: What goes up, must come down.
This goes for objects like, say-- rocks thrown into the air-- and for worthless excuses for human beings (about as smart as rocks in some cases) whose trajectory has taken them to the heights of power.
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Bawlmer, Murlind
Home country: United States
Current location: Trump Household
Member since: Wed Dec 6, 2017, 10:45 PM
Number of posts: 1,875