Collimator's JournalWhy ARE we still talking about Trump anyway?
I was reading the comments attached to a story about TFG over at Huffpost. Most were in acknowledgment of the many flaws and issues running through the man's psychology like marbling through an expensive cut of meat.
One bad-faith comment asked why we on the Left are still discussing the guy, suggesting that we are the ones with the problem and that got me to thinking-- in analogies and metaphors as I tend to do.
First, we are still thinking and studying the phenomenon that is the Trump himself because he is like an asteroid whose orbit could swing back around and create damage again. Second, that first pass of the asteroid left behind plenty of destruction and we are very much in repair mode.
Setting aside the analogy, Trump was a trauma that we are all still processing. So, we talk about it in order to heal, express our anger and figure out a strategy for moving forward.
Swinging back into analogy, during the Trump years, we were the unwilling subjects of a religious cult that forced us into an arranged marriage with a husband who sucked. We ended the marriage, but our ex is still hanging around on the periphery, and that cult still has a nearly controlling interest on many of the businesses and government services in the town where we still live. This complicates any forward-thinking strategies, frankly.
Stepping outside analogy again, that word, "trauma" really spoke to me--not just as someone who despises the Trump-mind set--but as someone who is bewildered by the people who continue to support the man. All kidding aside, I think many of his rank and file followers are also dealing with trauma in the lives. Trump is the drug-habit, the excessive alcohol use, the acting-out-with-flailing-fists that some people use to numb the pain of their existence without ever really having to feel the pain and face the bitter truth of their helplessness in the face of trauma.
Many will say that we don't owe the Trumpists any sympathy or understanding. I still insist that attempts at understanding are to our benefit, because they help us to process our own trauma. I am NOT saying that we should allow these people to dictate social mores or cause further damage to our democracy. But just writing them off as "evil" is counterproductive. Many of them are not evil, but they are damaged. . . Of course, a lot of them are neither evil or damaged but just painfully stupid, and my analogies (and alas, my compassion) just aren't up to the task of explaining any further.
But hey, writing this just helped me process a little of my own PTTS (Post Trump Traumatic Stress), so even if my analogies are imperfect and my metaphors are mixed and my compassion has limits, I'm still trying, and that's something.
Question: What do you call. . .
. . . A book group that has been stuck on the same book for thousands of years?
Answer: Church!
Melissa Lucio Is Scheduled To Die In Seven Days
She will be executed by the state of Texas for something that she not only did not do, but for something that Did Not Happen. There was no murder of an innocent child. There was an accident and medical complications.
The Innocence Project is trying to stop this pointless, state-sanctioned murder. But we are dealing with Governor Abbott. It almost seems like they are determined to kill someone that they know does not deserve to die.
I am not a religious person. However, I know that there are many of sincere faith who hold a liberal perspective on the teachings in the Bible. Could those of you of such persuasion reach out to Abbott's office and argue a Christian perspective for setting aside this judgment against Ms. Lucio? I would consider calling the Governor's Office myself, but I don't live in Texas and I do not know if it would make any difference all all.
Thank you.
40% of Black Atheists hide their beliefs. . .
. . . from their families.My apologies if this is a duplicate in any way.
This article was posted on the recently created site, OnlySky Media Worth checking out.
Celebrate Easter
[Spoiler Alert]
Watch Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice this night to observe Good Friday.
Superman dies.
Watch Justice League (Whedon or Synder version, viewer's choice) this Sunday for Easter.
Superman is brought back to life.
What better way to acknowledge a tale of death and resurrection? It's not like they're gonna bring Iron Man back.
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Bawlmer, Murlind
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Member since: Wed Dec 6, 2017, 10:45 PM
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