OAITW r.2.0
OAITW r.2.0's JournalLike a Road......
Garcia, Saunders, 1973....
People Who Died. Lou Reed and Jim Carroll - 1984
I can relate to this.....
Fast fforward to Georgia Senate race reruns....
Assuming Mitch gets his majority of 50-48, this is gonna be one hell of a re-run. I would imagine that the Democrats are going to be supercharged to win these seats....and the Trump voting Republicans will not be as motivated to re-vote these 2 races again.
Fingers crossed, checkbook opened.
Senate 48-48.....
I know the 2 Georgia Senate seats are going to a run-off. What about the other 2? Are they King and Sanders? Or are these 2 other races undecided?
If so, Kamala would be the tiebreaker....is McConnell the SML at this moment?
Realize this: 50% of the people don't give a fuck, because
they do not know fuck all about anything.
It's 1:10 in the AM. We have 700,000 voters.
Why don't we know? 5 hours since the polls closed.
Politically, every state looks the same.
Red Counties = rural. Blue counties = population.
We are not a cultural divide.....we are an economic divide.
As a Party......FIRST
You have to believe in system. When I hear Micheal Steele promoting Beto O
Rouke , I know we are on the right path.
Profile Information
Name: Skippa's DadGender: Male
Hometown: Dexter/Maine
Home country: USA
Current location: here
Member since: Thu Dec 7, 2017, 10:28 PM
Number of posts: 28,911