OAITW r.2.0
OAITW r.2.0's JournalAnd I Bid You A Good Night-
this is how the Dead calmed us all down.....
Will Donald Trump try an end around on the Constitution?
Who's blocking? Barr? Junior? Eric? Who?
Bill Maher - Jimmy Kimmel convo.
Maher is extremely stupid. Why wasn't RGB retired by Obama? McConnell, stupid.
Robert Hunter should be the Musical Writer/Poet Laureate of Joe Biden's incoming administration
So many great words, put together beautifully and executed, honestly and brilliantly.....
Dead postcast: https://music.
So what is really motivating Trump to fight the election results?
For his entire term, he has never shown much interest in governing. He has held much of the American electorate in contempt and has spent an incredible amount of time golfing and attending to his businesses. He could have done that without the burden of being POTUS. With the exception of holding rallies in front of his adoring cult (people he has absolutely no affinity with), what drives him to fight to maintain the Office?
His only motivation, IMHO, is the fear of a DOJ that he cannot control.
And, I think that also explains why the organized crime party behind him is also letting this charade continue. They are all in it together.
"Challenger" Netflix
Watched this on Netflix last night. Been avoiding it for awhile because I knew the tragic conclusion as to how this ended. I remember the numbness of hearing the news and watching the sad end of this Shuttle. I also followed the federal investigation and knew that the O-Rings on the fuel tanks were the ultimate reason for the failure. Still, it was heart wrenching to revisit the documentary and seeing the films of all of the astronauts and their families leading up to and during the launch. Equally heart wrenching were the engineers at NASA and Morton Thiokol who made the "go" call on the evening before the launch. Clearly, everyone of these people had to live with their consciences and self-doubts to the end of their lives.
A real tough watch, but something I think everyone should see.
A convo between Bill Gates and Stephan Curry
Stephen begins this video role playing with Bill on how to interview for a job. But then they discuss the Covid virus and the impact technology will make in conquering this pandemic. Extremely well done. Stephan isn't just another basketball jock....
Just finished the Last Season (*) of Homeland (Hulu).
I have to say, there were times I found Carrie Matheson to be a tad too psychotic, but overall, it was a great series. Reminded me of "24".
But this season, especially the finale, was really excellent. I never saw that ending coming!
Mandy Patinkin was outstanding as the NatSec Advisor. And that Zabel dude was a great character that was introduced late in the last season. The kind of guy you don't want advising POTUS on international relations and foreign policy
Well done, Showtime!
Profile Information
Name: Skippa's DadGender: Male
Hometown: Dexter/Maine
Home country: USA
Current location: here
Member since: Thu Dec 7, 2017, 10:28 PM
Number of posts: 28,911