OAITW r.2.0
OAITW r.2.0's JournalJaime Raskin....whoa, powerful. He represents me.....in every way.
You need to be a Voice in the Senate, Sir.
Here is the obviously crazy thing about this Insurrection Mob.
They want to replace our elected government and replace with.... themselves? So, can you imagine the 30,000 Trump Insurrectionists actually administrating the organization of our federal government?
Nope, their solution is total fucking no government. The rule of law becomes....how many weapons and how many rounds do you have?
Stuff Republicans can no longer brand themselves as.
Party of Constitutional Law. See Senate vote today.Party of Family Values. See their record - policy-wise and personally.
Party of Small/Limited Government. Except when they control State/Federal offices.
Party of Law and Order. Well, only locally and focus on those non-white folks. White collar crime don't count!
Party of Personal Responsibility OK, who?
Party Against Frivolous Litigation Well, expect for Kracken lawsuits.
Party of Fiscal responsibility. Evidence not in stnding.
No wonder why they didn't bother with a political platform, there are no beliefs except what Trump tells them.
So Sen. Cassidy will be censured by the Louisiana Republican Party....
OK, not yet, but you know it's coming. Nice knowing you Senator, but the Trump GOP will not allow a honest person who bucks the Party Line to represent them in Congress.
Seriously, I really don't see a spit's worth of difference between today's Republican Party and Putin's Duma / China's Communist Party.
The Republican rebuttal should be something special.
After decades of marketing themselves as "the Constitutional Party", they are going to now argue that the Constitution doesn't matter in this case, because Trump?
Don't give me hearts, I do not deserve them.
My hearts will never be used because I love every poster who bothers to comment here. Give your hearts to new posters who say something worth a damn.
I love that most high priced football analysts picked KC over Tampa Bay.
Bet on Tom Brady? On what field?
Profile Information
Name: Skippa's DadGender: Male
Hometown: Dexter/Maine
Home country: USA
Current location: here
Member since: Thu Dec 7, 2017, 11:28 PM
Number of posts: 27,466