OAITW r.2.0
OAITW r.2.0's JournalI met George HW Bush....was not impressed.
2006 at Biddeford Pool, Me. The SS would not let us leave until Fidelity II left the harbor. But we were able to meet HW directly. So, I said, why aren't we making an effort to wean ourselves off ME oil? He said, there is no money in that idea. No money for him is what I got from that. Fuck Him.
HW Bush Dead......killed solar energy in favor of oil for his family....
fuck him because he fucked us.
Q-Anon is alive and well on FR
Trump is their Hero, do not burst their bubble. This is the reality of those that think opposite of us:
In case you are wondering....nope, FR has no threads on Trump's crimes
It is like they are in the same cocoon they were back in 2007 when Bush was destroying the country. Except, there seems to be a significantly fewer posting there. Check out what is important to the morons.... this is the front page, right now.
Rachael Maddow Show has Jon Tester on next....should be interesting.
Profile Information
Name: Skippa's DadGender: Male
Hometown: Dexter/Maine
Home country: USA
Current location: here
Member since: Thu Dec 7, 2017, 11:28 PM
Number of posts: 27,466