OAITW r.2.0
OAITW r.2.0's JournalBeat it Down the Line.....
I am voting in person.
11/3 - no problems, Democrat>
Dead, Pigpen.....Chinatown Shuffle
Not there, physically, but always there mentally.
Third Rate Romance
Hey, Jerry Jeff...I'm thinking about you.....
So, we are under cyberattack.
Focused on our hospitals. Who are the bad actors? The answer should define our response. If it's Russia, we are at war with this criminal operation. Need to vote Benedict Donald out of ofice.
See the great Dr. Rachael Maddow explaining it tonight.
Chris Hayes (MSNBC) now....
with Dr. William Haseltine (?) talking about post-Trump solutions to defeat the virus. Pay people to stay at home. Makes sense to me. In 3 months, we can get our life back.
Made my final contributions to the campaigns last night.
Saving my money now for the inevitable court battles that will start on 11/4.
So Trump accused Biden of taking $3.5MM from Russia.
What was that all about? Never heard that accusation being made, ever. Anyone know what the basis of this lie is coming from? Other than the nether regions of Trump's backside?
I'm on the 3rd straight night of eating corned beef and cabbage for dinner.
It gets better every night! But, there is a limit, so I am thinking of freezing the stock (maybe 2 qts) of what remains - some carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, and approx. 1/2 lb or corned beef.
Any thoughts on how to use this in a couple of months, as a stew or soup? Or just thaw and enjoy?
Mitt Romney for Senate Minority Leader.
That would be a starting point for the Republican Party to reform itself.
Profile Information
Name: Skippa's DadGender: Male
Hometown: Dexter/Maine
Home country: USA
Current location: here
Member since: Thu Dec 7, 2017, 11:28 PM
Number of posts: 27,617