WA-03 Democrat
WA-03 Democrat's JournalList all of the Democratic Congress Folks who have asked Trump to drop out?
I just Google it and not one Congress person has asked for Trump to step down. A felon, a rapist, stealer of state secrets, fucked up the country for 4 years and attempted to over throw the government. These rep and senators who may have been working on January 6, 2020 and was under threat of a violent coup because Donny got beat like a drum.
Who will be the brave rep or senator to ask the true disgrace to end his race for the good of the country?
Rep. Victoria Spartz charged with weapons violation at Dulles Airport
Source: CNN
GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz was charged on Friday with a weapons violation at Washington Dulles International Airport, a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Airports Authority told CNN.
Spartz, a Republican from Indiana, was charged with violating a section of Virginia law that prohibits carrying any gun, explosive or stun weapon into an air carrier airport terminal, the spokesperson said.
Asked about the incident involving Spartz, a Transportation Security Administration spokesperson said, TSA officers at IAD detected a .380 caliber firearm during passenger security screening. The firearm was unloaded and in the individuals carry-on bag.
Read more: Rep. Victoria Spartz charged with weapons violation at Dulles Airport
Just packing a pistol. Must really hate it when someone grabs their assigned seat on the plane.
New names for the formerly known party Republicans
1) Trumps Legal Expenses
2) Felons and Fearful
3) How the fuck are there this many stupid assholes
The Politics of Sleeping
This is a repeat from you guessed it Putin. Come with me back to the year of 2022 in Beijing where China was hosting the Winter Olympics. Putin and XI pledged eternal brotherhood and best friends forever status. Putin was a guest of honor for the opening gala. All the different countries come in one-by-one. Then Ukraine team comes in and Putin falls asleep immediately and 30 days later he would attack that country and begin killing thousands in an unjust war. The cameras captured this. The message was from Putin that these guys are nothing and I am so bored I fell asleep. Trump pulled the same shit yesterday. The key differences is Putin could have left but Trumps ass is in front of the judge and soon a jury.
Keep up with the Russian Mafia tough guy stuff Donny - I am sure everyone will be fooled as you are obviously guiltily as sin.
Make the issue he is in court for paying multiple woman to not tell the fact that he had sex with him right before the 2016 election.
Timing and All Eggs in one basket
Its early August with 90 odd days till the mid-term election.
I believe our Justice Department has 99,000 ways to go after TFG. Picking the theft of government docs after they gave him a true mulligan to return is brilliant. Anyone who has had access to confidential information knows you dont take it home. This includes everyone in law enforcement, the government and the military. It the first thing they tell you about classified information. To me this is like getting Al Capone on taxes. He did it and good enough to contain the threat.
The J6 committee is getting a digital forensics expert to retrieve text messages various inside agencies had deleted, Alex Jones phone is in their hands. Additionally, the White House attorney (Pat C) is in front of a Federal Grand Jury.
The reaction to Dobbs over turning Row was the drubbing in Kansas.
All the Republicans have hitched their wagons to Trump 2 years after he got beat badly by Joe Biden in 2020. All their eggs are in the Trump basket. They are locked in for the election. Super stable genius work indeed.
Then there is all the good stuff the Democrats are doing to counter this.
Thanks for the ❤️
I love this time of year. Very thankful for this community and appreciate the kindness!
Obama is right
Message matters. I dont think defund the police explains why we lost some down ballot races-its part of the puzzle. I agree that BLM was the treated likewise in 2016 but is it a fair comparison? Black Lives Matter rings true and I think was a good marketing of an idea message. It gained over time. Equal Justice I think is better but defund the police sucks. Our society equates money with existing - no money no cops.
I wish the social media squad could let President Obamas message just be and focus on the Republicans Real Time destruction of our nation. I would also like a Ferrari just for the record.
Foreshadowing of "I'm smart"
Biden: Guess what, a lot of people died, and a lot more (are) going to die unless he gets a lot smarter a lot quicker.
Trump: Theres nothing smart about you, Joe.
This commentary on how the president handled the coronavirus pandemic led into a rant from Trump where he claimed that Biden had forgotten where he went to college and accused him of graduating near the bottom of his class.
Dont ever use the word smart with me. Dont ever use that word because you know what, theres nothing smart about you, Joe, Trump said.
Bidens response? Oh, give me a break.
Joe should have said oh, give me a mask.
Its chilling to see how the hubris cracked it all open. The post truth word has been shattered by cold hard facts.
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