albacore's JournalOne out of every 1,000 Americans has died of Covid.
From what IHME projects, we can look forward to 2 out of every 1,000 Americans dead from this disease.
More if we don't get our shit together.
One last number .. We are well and truly fucked.
"More than 84.5 million Americans are planning on traveling during the Christmas season as COVID-19 continues to spread across the country. The forthcoming holiday season will likely eclipse Thanksgiving travel, during which more than 50 million holiday travelers passed through TSA checkpoints, despite warnings from the CDC.
Those warnings still apply.
Travel may increase your chance of spreading and getting COVID-19," the CDCs updated statement said on Wednesday. CDC continues to recommend postponing travel and staying home, as this is the best way to protect yourself and others this year.
Hospitals are already turning patients away....
... the hospitals are already turning away sick people they never wouldve before, because of so few beds remaining.
" for hospitalizing anyone is rising
And likely means more people are suffering, getting worse, or even dying at home
All because our hospitals are really full..."
Read this doc's whole thread...
Secret Executive Orders...PEADs
Everybody NEEDS to read this article. No skimming.
The Presidents - since FDR - have issued secret executive orders that enable them to do just about anything.
They've all used them. trump knows about them... and that scares the shit out of me. It should do the same with you. He still has 50 or so days...
"A few hours before the inauguration ceremony, the prospective president receives an elaborate and highly classified briefing on the means and procedures for blowing up the world with a nuclear attack, a rite of passage that a former official described as a sobering moment. Secret though it may be, we are at least aware that this introduction to apocalypse takes place. At some point in the first term, however, experts surmise that an even more secret briefing occurs, one that has never been publicly acknowledged. In it, the new president learns how to blow up the Constitution.
The session introduces presidential emergency action documents, or PEADs, orders that authorize a broad range of mortal assaults on our civil liberties. In the words of a rare declassified official description, the documents outline how to implement extraordinary presidential authority in response to extraordinary situationsby imposing martial law, suspending habeas corpus, seizing control of the internet, imposing censorship, and incarcerating so-called subversives, among other repressive measures. We know about the nuclear briefcase that carries the launch codes, Joel McCleary, a White House official in the Carter Administration, told me. But over at the Office of Legal Counsel at the Justice Department theres a list of all the so-called enemies of the state who would be rounded up in an emergency. Ive heard it called the enemies briefcase.
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