Mersky's JournalWas gonna comment just so I could journal this
In order to bring it up on Monday.
Instead, I think Ill throw that headline in my signature for a few days.
And heres the link to the underlying WaPo reporting:
Jamie Raskin brought up this article a few mins ago during questioning Dr Fauci
before the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis.
The VF article comes up about four mins into the video, but the whole clip is worth watching.
He starts by laying waste to 1st Amendment argument against limiting church gatherings for public health reasons by citing the 5-4 SCOTUS decision that found that imposed crowd size restrictions were no different for other large indoor gatherings. Then, he clearly lays out the differences in the public health threats and responses for rw protests against public health orders, and anti-maskers threatening the governor of Michigan versus the peaceful BLM protestors who do observe health precautions. Notably, he raised the issue of intentionally using chemical irritants to inflame protestors to coughing and sneezing. Finally, in outlining the VF article that details kushners hushed efforts, Raskin reveals that the reason the plan was scuttled was due to the depraved political calculation that the deadly virus should only effect largely Democratic voting areas.
Wow. Am sharing with my peeps.
And my brain sincerely thanks you for this well-timed OP and reminder. Is very helpful, as I have needed to go back and sharpen my internal timeline of all that has occurred in regards to russian dealings with tRump and republicons over recent years. Weve just had so much thrown at us, that it is good to step back and behold the litany of it.
***** Barr at the House Judiciary Committee Hearing - Thread 4 *****
Previous threads:
Thread 1:
Thread 2:
Thread 3:
Protest Live Streams - 7/26
I may post less in here tonight. Am watching the feeds, but have a need to observe quietly.
Protest Live Streams - July 25
MJ Hegar on the Last Word
Shes kickin ass and taking names: cornyn is a spineless bootlicker for tRump.
Video link:
Wall of Moms Marching in Portland this Evening
Daylight in the city as the moms and protesting crowds are out in great numbers:
Watch livestream of protests here:
Evans has started covering the protest at the federal building:
Moms have joined hands and are blocking the hole in the fence
If the feds want to attack the crowd where the fence came down, theyll be taking down moms and nobody wants to see that!
Explosion behind the crowd just then.
Rachel is covering the COVID crisis in Houston
97% of ICU beds are full
This hits close to home. Im gonna have to reach out to all my peeps there, make sure everyone is still taking distancing/safety measures.
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