BoomaofBandM's JournalTo the corporations that are offering to transport women to where the can have abortions.
Why thank you.
But maybe, you could withdraw political donations to politicians and groups who are making this necessary.
Or maybe you could pull out of states that make abortion illegal.
Because you know that not many women are going to tell their bosses about an unwanted pregnancy.So this offer costs you almost nothing.
And how are you going to deal with the religious fanatics that will require that you require that said women need to have a waiting period and watch a series of videos about the evils of abortion.
And are you going to provide babysitting for said employees other children while they have to travel and be gone so long for abortion that could be provided at a clinic in their neighborhood.
And what are you going to do about the crazy people who work for you who decide to dox their co workers for having abortion because they feel empowered by living where abortion has been made illegal.
I can picture the meetings that corporate America is having. A bunch of mostly guys saying yes, this will work, we can stay out of it for the cost of a taxi. Even though 70% of Americans want Ror v Wade to remain.
No corporate america, you are not allowed to stay out of this. You need to stand up to these religious fanatics. You cannot say you are helping by putting a band aid on aneurism. You need to do more.
And we need to insist on more from you.
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