Nikki28's JournalDoes Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren has a new position like Bernie Sanders or not? Thanks in advance. Also has Ratcliffe been fired from the FBI?
Question about Trump appointee
I can't remember the guys name, but he was too bad for congress and I think had trouble with his security or something. I can't remember his name, except Trump put him at the top of the FBI to conceal his crimes. I wish I remembered his name, but can't. I just hope he is fired along with all Trump threw in positions in the last three years. I wish Biden can put back from Mcabe,Yates.Pret,the other guy who was torn down because of some text between him and this other woman.
I also want him to put Muller team on the job,or Nancy can hire Muller team to investigate the ReTrumplicans. I want the trusted team Obama had in there and the last two guys Trump appointed and fired on National Security department.Can anyone help me with the name of the man Trump put at the top over the FBI, not Wray.The other hack that was in congress.We need a special prosecutor to help nail these terrorist in and out of congress to get phone records ect. Now is the time because we do not know what the next two years would look like.We need some way to make sure Trump do not get help from Russia in 22 and keep an eye on these traders.We have to get someone to work on messaging. I think Steve S with the Lincoln project.
The bought and sold Retrumplicans
I think I see what is going on here with their vote to not impeach Trump. They made a deal with Trump through Lindsey and Paul that Trump will help them gain power back in four years with the help of Russia. The reason I think this is because if they do not convict,He gets to run and rule and this time for eternity. This is the country's worst fear.Any other thoughts.
How is this stupid parade suppose to work?
So the clown wants a military parade after all the chaos he has caused with his terrorist did in his name. If D.C is on lock down-where will he do his parade an where will he have this parade with all these fairy tale thoughts of his? I am just asking because I do not understand this mad man. Please someone tell me Congress has to approve this nonsense before his weak ego again be trying to do a military coup.Does this means he has to take men from the streets of DC which is already on lock down.I know nothing of how this will work with all this security in DC.Is he trying to have a last rally to incite his mob terrorist again? confused friend wants to know.
.I think Nancy should get ever prosecutor who worked with Muller to get on the case of getting to the bottom of this coup with the members of congress involved. Democrats has this one chance to fix this system to where this never happen again. Put some laws in place to not seat anyone who wants to steal elections and do not believe in democracy.The Republicans who still voted to throw out votes after this attack should be held accountable and whoever was involved should be kicked out of congress, and that includes making sure no raciest can hold office in any form again. Background checks has to be done to weed out these raciest. Thanks in advance.
Don't trust these acting FBI's.where is Chris Wray?
These guys are Trump appointees and I do not trust them. They seems nervous and it was just unreal. I want Biden to get rid of all them and put all back in place before Trump fired them all to put in their lackeys. Even Andrew Macabe asked why Chris Wray was not there. Congress in the Senate need to haul them in before Biden in sworn in because there is too many Law enforcement's ect involved and I do not trust who the raciest is.
Put every last FBI including the ones Muller had on his team.Put them back in there so they can clean house because Trump pulled off the biggest crime in History by tearing down our intuitions and putting his lackey's in.If we do not clean house-we will be in trouble,including all Democrat's in Congress.I wish Joe can get sworn in virtual and leave the rest to the ones who wants to do harm.I fear for our country because there was too many in this terriost attack that was in high places.
The patriots should tell him to resign(fixed it)
You can draw up impeachment papers, but we need to get this terrorist out today. We can't allow him to be in the White house another day.These are not protesters, they are terrorist -thugs-animals and pigs.
I want to apologize
for the post and all post I made.I honestly did not mean to offend anyone.I honestly was stating what I thought was a fair opinion.It will not happen again. I have been through a lot of rejection and never want to offend anyone since I do not want to be offended. So I apologize and hope you guys forgive me.I a not so savvy when it comes to social media.I may say things that I do not understand how it can offend anyone,so my post here from now on will be in responses when I do post unless I am banned before than.
I spend lots of time off social media because I do not understand.To keep my heart from being broken and offending anyone else,I will re-frame from my ignorance and just respond because it is obvious I am not fit to start a post without breaking rules or offending others .So from now on I will just reply when warranted . Also I hope you guys forgive me.I am honestly ignorance to this stuff.I would never say anything if I know would hurt anyone.I am not educated enough like many here.So thank you all for accepting me and I will be careful from now on out. Hope this is ok to post here. I will be doing more reading the board than post for now. Thank you.
We are living in crazy town
If it is true Trump want to hire his wacko nut job as some prosecutor, than he is really off the rails. He is crazy as it is but you take someone like him who has nothing else to lose, I hope we get the Senate to make sure we fix these voting laws so he does not steal another election.I am sick to my stomach with my sister texting me these crazy conspiracies that I have stopped speaking to her again because of her Jim Jones followers conduct .She called listening to facebook as research and not daring to listen to anyone bad about Trump and his lies. She sounds so crazy from the half way decent woman she was five years ago. How can people change and believe everything before thinking how dumb it sounds.
I am not a smart person at all, but at least when I see someone lies 24/7 that I will know something is wrong. She will not take any bad or negative talk about this man. She buys the whole Bill Gates mess=election fraud that was stealing from Trump. She tells me all the news media is lying on him.No matter what I saw to her,she will not buy it.She talks over you and do not want to hear it. She thinks what Trump is doing now is God's plan and says we need to buy up all the food we can and stock up because Trump is out only savior and only he can help us. My heart is heavy and heart sick of seeing this demon attack my sister(whom I use to be so close to, and we use to can finish the other sentence),I do not recognize her anymore.She says she do not care what others think of what she says because she knows she is right because of her research(YOutube).
My heart is breaking for my country and my family. I had stopped talking to her since the last time I posted her.She out of the blue again started texting me youtube videos that I do not even open because I am afraid she may be hacked in some way and do not want to be apart of that cult. I guess she got sick of me annoying her and decided she would call me over and over and came to my house.We had it out and I was fine without her nonsense. But than she sends me these crazy youtube links with the end of the world stuff and Trump is God chosen and Fauci and Gates are part of Satan's tribe. Some nonsense. Like I said, I am done.I love her but won't associate with anyone who will support a man who hates America.
On to the Russia hack. I think Trump knew and approved and now does not give a damn because he is pissed he was rejected and is putting our lives in danger . I think he has been on the phone with Putin every since he lost the election and before.I am sick of Russia running U.S.A. I want a president of America to run our own country and not some Russia hack.
This man is worst than Satan. I think we have to change a lot of things because we have to make sure to never have a party who wants to end our democracy. This was the plan since 2016 to end the U.S.I hope the Lincoln Project with other groups can end Trump out of our system for all by getting rid of all the Republicans who has drew Trumps water by enabling him this whole time, I feel we need legislator changes to the time between the out going and in coming President elect and not wait three months-but two weeks because Trump happened and now everything has to change how we run this country.I know I am all over the place
All roads lead to Russia
I know many are sick of me saying this, but I am telling you,Val in this to the hair on his head.Why else would he not congratulate Biden like the other devils did? I am telling you-I keep going back to when they all went to Russia. Trump help goes back farther with Russia. They know Russia helped them because he helped Trump steal the election in 16.I know I sounds like a broken record,but listen please?
Trump was against mail in ballot's for months because he knew Russia was in the tabulator machines before Nov 3.He can't do anything with MIB because they have to be counted and not counted like the machines that had to be changed.I also do not buy Trump got all those votes either.Call me conspiracy or not,this is my feelings on this.This explains why the Republicans are acting like cults.Trump can take them all down if he goes down. I am telling you guys-I bet whenever this all come out-and this will all come to light. I hope I am alive to see it too.Russia is the path followed through these people.Putin own them and now they owe them.
They love power and strong men because Putin made them a deal. It is the only thing that makes sense. I bet if we get in the Muller report ,some of it can come together ,but not all. It has to be a money trail.Mark my words-remember this day-the world will find out all roads does lead to Russia.This has nothing to do with mean tweets unless Trump expose them. They voted the day of the election because Putin planned it. Why do you think all the states turned red and Trump claimed victory early?
Because Putin was doing what he did in 16.These guys are afraid they will be exposed as Russia's agents because that is what they are. Treason through and through.Time to spread the truth.Treason.Also Joe and Kam has to be tough and treat these demons like they treat the Dems.Enough is enough. I hate seeing everyone acting like this is strange when they need to realize what this all means. I bet mother Jones and Malcolm Nance knows as well as the other good FBI men. The media needs to stop calling this fear for thew wrong reason or wonder why they are so controlled by Trump because it goes further than that folks.Unless I see someone worst than this- this is my story and I am sticking to it.Ok I am out.
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