Just_Vote_Dem's JournalI think the 1/6 committee will be forwarding recommendations to DOJ in 2022
If nothing happens after that, THEN I'll worry.
Something I'm still coming to grips with
That 30 to 40 percent of the people in this country are loons.
No masks, no vaccines, etc., blindly following charlatans and grifters.
I saw it in my own family this year-my sister's children essentially convinced her that she didn't need a vaccine for covid, she eventually got the disease and died a few months ago, leaving me with a hole inside that will never close, partly because of the utter insanity that surrounded the situation, a death that did not have to happen.
And now we get blasted daily that Democrats will get beat in the next election. And to that I say BULLSHIT.
I'm voting. I'm telling everyone I know about the good that Democrats do.
I'll be damned if I let the loons win.
Interesting Freudian slip
So I was just watching Cheddar News-CNN and MSNBC had authors hawking books-and the news announcer mentioned that the House passed the "Protect Our Democracy" Act, then said it would be going to the "Republican-led Senate", then paused, seemed to realize the error, and mentioned it needed 60 votes to pass. Could be he just misread a teleprompter, but I thought it was interesting.
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