Claire Oh Nette
Claire Oh Nette's Journal...and I hold on to that.
I taught for 22 years, starting in 2000.
Fresh out of the shower on a fall morning in my second year, I heard.
THat year, I taught 9th grade World Civilizations and immediately put together a unit on World Religions.
The remaining 20 years, I read this with my students...
Methinks we ought to refer to the "antifa" folks as ANTI-FASCISTS every single time.
Make the GOP embrace their pro-fascists support. "Antifa" sounds vaguely ominous, but when we use their narrative frames, we're agreeing to their misuse of language, whereby nothing means what it means.
Methinks referring to General Dwight D. Eisenhower as the leader of the Antifa is important, too. We must be precise in our word choice, our metaphoric frames, and in calling them out being Anti American at every step of the way.
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Member since: Sat Feb 29, 2020, 01:22 PMNumber of posts: 2,636