ItsjustMe's JournalJim Acosta tears into debunked Fox News 'nothingburger' (CNN)
Fox News issued a correction after its anchors claimed that President Joe Biden is trying to require Americans to sharply reduce their consumption of red meat. CNN's Jim Acosta tears into that and other falsehoods reported across conservative media about the Biden administration.
Michael Cohen: The SDNY Now Has A "Treasure Trove Of Information" After Raiding Giuliani's Home
Michael Cohen, Donald Trumps former personal attorney and author of Disloyal, joins Ali Velshi to discuss the raid on Rudy Giulianis home and whether he may turn on Donald Trump as a result. Cohen says, Do I think Rudy will flip on him? Look, Rudy has looked like he has lost his mind several times. I don't think he has gone that far that he is going to stay loyal to somebody who is going to throw him under the bus. With all the information obtained, Cohen predicts this will go far beyond Ukraine. This could be about a multitude of other issues that Shady Rudy has been involved with.
Glenn Kirschner: Giuliani Should Consider 'Who Are The Bigger Fish I Can Give Up'
Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner joins Ali Velshi to discuss the mounting legal problems facing Rudy Giuliani and his involvement in the ousting of former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. That could lead to Giuliani working alongside federal prosecutors, Kirschner says, because if anybody knows the value of cooperating with a criminal probe, its a former U.S. attorney like Rudy Giuliani.
Reporter goes megaviral destroying Republican governor ON AIR - Brian Tyler Cohen
A reporter just asked a Republican governor to give ONE example to back up an anti-trans bill he signed. He fails miserably.
Voices - Meidas Touch
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