Boogiemack's JournalWhat is wrong with US?
I see more ads on TV pleading for sympathy and care of dogs than for those children still separated from their parents by the Trump administration....3 fuc*king years for some.
Biden needs a rapid "fix ad" for PA. He needs to explain his fracking position better and
explain his position on fossil fuels better, linking new jobs to our transition to less dependence on fossil fuel. He can use the changes in atmosphere and water due to COVID19 which is responsible for the reduction in air and water pollution.
Anybody else thing Trump was less forceful about Hunter because he knew Biden was ready
to pounce on the Trump crime family?
Is there an Official Final Debate Thread??? nt
Expect Trump to brag about getting the EU and other allies to pay more into UN
i hope Biden is ready to explain that paying more does not mean they pay more to UN or to US and that it means they simply increase their on military readiness.
Also expect Trump to try to claim the best economy in history. I hope Joes has the numbers at hand to explain that Trump simply built upon Obama's recovering economy and while the last unemployment numbers before the pandemic represented a 1.7 to 3.7 drop from Obama's number, unemployment under Obama dropped by 4.8 points from 10.2 to 5.4. Plus Obama was handed a recession economy, Trump was handed a steadily recovering economy.
Still not going to watch the orange fiasco. I have lost too much to COVID mismanagement.
Four years wasn't that long ago. WTF is wrong with people that they don't remember
Despite public pressure, including public letters from then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on August 29 and October 30, 2016, the latter claiming that the FBI was concealing explosive information about close ties and coordination between Trump and his top advisers, and the Russian government, the FBI did not disclose its investigation until after the election.
August 29, 2016: First Reid Letter: FBI Must Investigate ...
And Obama talked to McConnell about Russian interference and McConnell said he would do nothing and threatened to claim that it all was an Obama administration ploy to throw the election to HRC. Obama, thinking that it might harm HRC's campaign and feeling certain that HRC was going to win anyway, made the calculated decision to not make a big issue about it but instead had his Homeland Security chief, Jay Johnson, work with the states, alerting them to what Russia was doing and offering help from the Department to protect against hacking etc.
It appears that the media and even the progressives who are angry thinking Obama did nothing fail to remind voters about this. McConnell is still the demon he was back then. Harry Reid told the whole story but few listened to him.
Biden's singular and repeated message from here on until after the election should be:
"If you want me to really do something about the environment, healthcare, judicial reform and criminal justice reform, and the economy GIVE ME A DAMN SENATE THAT WILL WORK FOR THE PEOPLE INSTEAD OF AGAINST THE PEOPLE.
Someone in a position of influence really needs to inform and teach Americans civics.
People make unreasonable demands of government when they really should be making demands of their Representatives and Senators. The lack of understanding about state, local, and national government and governing is astounding and has proved to be dangerous with Trump in office.
About the Radcliff announcement tonight.
About that Ratcliffe presser tonight. Didn't Manafort already give the Russians names and addresses of US voters back in 2016? So what is new? It didn't seem to matter then, why now?
Leaving this right here.
It wasn't Iran who plotted to kidnap the Gov. of Michigan.
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