Boogiemack's JournalDamn, Al Gore is one of the smartest pols or former pols out there His Internet influence
was right on and so is his position on the climate and renewable energy. We missed a lot not having him as President. I believe he and Jimmy Carter were so under rated when it comes to climate and the changes that we needed to make.
Top order of business when Joe is elected is to swear in an AG who will set the DOJ
on path to quick, aggressive response to the militias and other Trump supporters who engage in violence. Action against them must be swift and to the full extent of the law. No grand juries, just simple arrests, arraignments, trial and jail.
Looks like Nancy and Trump are closer on the stimulus than the GOP?
I think that might seal the fate of the GOP in the Senate if Trump insists that the stimulus be higher. All he needs is for someone to tell him that the bigger the stimulus the more votes he will get.
Sad about the hurricanes.
Just wondering what impact this and other hurricanes will have on the voting? These people will likely not even be back in their homes by Nov. 3. I haven't heard one word from he WH about their ordeal. Did I miss it?
The elephant in her room:
Amy Coney Barrett had and recovered from COVID19 in late summer.
She has been around the shedder-in-chief without masks or distancing.
She has been around Senators whom we now know are infected.
Amy still had a sty on her according one report (looking for the link)
She and her husband tested positive in "late summer"....Late September ???
I'll wait.
Trump is going full blast against Speaker Nancy, But there is one woman he seems to fear.
MICHELLE OBAMA. I could be wrong but I do not recall him ever going full blast against Michelle.
Am I wrong about this? If not, I wonder why he hasn't done so?
Michelle certainly goes full blast against him. Her most recent video ad was unmerciful.
Upon review, it was funny. But please don't give the night to the fly. Sen Harris deserves more.
She walked that tightrope right down Pence's infected throat. She did what she needed to do. She can be tougher but she knew that would not help Joe. Those who feared a "pushy" black woman rested easy. I didn't watch in real-time but just finished viewing the video.
She deserves more credit than the fly. I know the GOP would rather be talking about the fly than having to deal with the points Harris made.
So, hats off to Sen Harris for a pitch perfect performance. (I know we all wanted her to slay the dragon but she is letting him bleed out slowly.)
Is it me or do Trump's latest tweets sound like they are coming from a dying man?
Really awkward and scary. He needs to be committed to get some help.
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