Boogiemack's JournalI hope there is a repeat stream of Nicole Wallace with guest Frank Filuzi (SP)
Really chilling how much of a security risk Trump is in and OUT of office, especially with the amount of debt he has and the opportunity for Deutche Bank to sell his debt to a foreign holder.
Seems to me like all our intel and security coeds need to be changed and all our embeds alerted. Our agents abroad are in some real danger. In fact our entire national security apparatus is at serious risk. As long as the GOP is in power in the Senate the hope of changing what needs to be changed is risky. List the names of all those Trump Senate butt kissers and rescind all their security clearances and we certainly need to be able to control the Senate intel committees.
Do Georgians understand this? Somebody need to inform them.
Trump is playing hard ball with GA Senate races. We must control the message.
Either GA wants to help the country heal and move forward out of the grips of an obstructionist McConnell who has single-handedly stopped Obama's jobs program, stood in the way go getting the financial help needed to small businesses and unemployed workers or it wants to be known as the state that helped a non-patriotic tyrant destroy America and the lives of their children and grandchildren.
I hope that Biden DOES have at least one or two vindictive bones in his body.
A few sovereign leaders need to be taught a lesson.
Is not one telling Trump that he is setting history in place for him to be remembered as
Mitch McConnel just demonstrated to the country and Georgia
why it is so important to get him out of the Majority leadership in the Senate and why it is extremely important for the Dems to take over the Senate. No better message can be sent or understood than the safety and security of our nation.
Mitch and the rest of the GOP with the exception of two or three are absolutely cultists to Trump and not concerned about the best interests of our country or its people.
The way Trump and his GOP henchmen are acting after losing ought to make it easier for
the Dems to win those two Senate run-offs.
Dems should be be touting Biden win as why markets pre-vaccine announcement was up.
We need to be, at least, tooting our horn about factual information.
Oh, my goodness. The single vote from a dead person that the Trump administration is using
to prove voter fraud was a vote for Trump. The family of the woman is pissed because they were never told that their mother's name was going to be use in connection accusations of fraud.
Notice how the Trumpers are smearing volunteer ballot counters just as they have smeared
the medical staffs caring for COVID patients? They are really some sick sick sickos.
Neal Katyal for AG. Sally Yates for Deputy AG What do you think DU?
I had wanted Kamala for AG but you know what happened and I am glad about it.
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