marie999's JournalI voted no
because it would take an amendment to The Constitution and it would never pass.
Trump will not do anything. The election will go on as planned.
If he loses the election, he will whine and tweet, and on January 20, 2021, he will pack his bags and leave. The Republicans will not do anything to help him.
The Constitution
Article II section 1, Amendments XII, XIV, XV. You should also read the Library of Congress Research Service Memorandum Overview of the Electoral College Procedure and the Role of Congress November 17, 2000
What laws do you think he could enact without congressional approval
that would affect elections held by the states?
How can he cancel the election
when it is the states that control the election. Do you think that the Republicans would let him try when if he could then the next president of the United States sworn into office on January 20, 2021, would be The Speaker Of the House who would serve for 4 years?
My cousin is very afraid that Trump will control the Electoral College.
I don't believe he can and told him to read "Library of Congress Congressional Research Service Memorandum Overview of Electoral College Procedure and the Role of Congress November 17, 2000.
There are movies about good cops
and there are movies about bad cops. I watch both. If you ask enough people about what types of TV shows and movies should not be made, there would not be any TV shows or movies.
Just wondering,
If you can not tell that they are legitimate police officers, do you have to do what they say? Can you use deadly force to protect yourself from attack?
There will be an election
and if Trump loses, he will leave the WH. The Secret Service will not allow him to remain in the WH after the next president takes the oath of office. Whether or not he attends the ceremony is not important.
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Name: Marie JacobsGender: Female
Hometown: Boston MA
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Current location: Belgrade, NC
Member since: Mon Jun 1, 2020, 09:06 AM
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