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Support public education.
Account status: ActiveMember since: Thu Dec 4, 2003, 12:46 PM
Number of posts, all time: 5,035
Number of posts, last 90 days: 0
Favorite main forum: NA
Favorite topic forum: NA
Last post: Sat Jul 18, 2015, 06:58 PM
Willing to serve on Juries: Yes
Chance of serving on Juries: 40% (explain)
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Latest Recs
Walker tweet: "Another overflow crowd at Hy-Vee in Council Bluffs"
Sat Jul 18, 2015, 02:49 PM
UW-Madison Professor: "'s time to leave UW-Madison"
Tue Jun 2, 2015, 04:49 PM
We're gonna get Feingold back!!!!
Thu May 14, 2015, 09:27 AM
Plain Talk: Why the right is sliming the long-finished John Doe
Wed May 20, 2015, 09:36 PM
Scott Walker removed as Chairman of the Board of WEDC
Fri May 22, 2015, 04:38 PM
Latest Poll Votes
Women only: Regarding the use of the term 'girls' to describe women.
Tue May 1, 2012, 12:04 PM
Carrots in spaghetti sauce
Sat Apr 28, 2012, 07:49 PM