alcibiades_mystery's ProfileAbout alcibiades_mystery
I started on DU in 2001 before 9/11 under the name markses. I was then, for a time, onemore. Finally, I started as alcibiades_mystery in 2005. I posted on the board for 12 years, racking up 36,437 posts. In 2017 I was Flagged for Review forever after a concerted alert campaign by various DU trolls. Oh well. I asked for an appeal, and for a review, and have received no answer from the site's absentee landlords. Here's what it says when you're FFR forever: "Please note: You have not been permanently banned from the site. However, some restrictions have been temporarily placed on your account until an an administrator can review it. We apologize for the inconvenience." Obviously, this is not true. Anyway, I do miss interacting with all of you, and it's been really sad to see so many others here since 2001 FFR'd forever under the bizarre policy that Skinner and Co. have instituted.Avatar Image
Signature Line
"We have arrived too late to play the Bleeding Heart Show." - The New Pornographers
Account status: Flagged for reviewMember since: Tue Mar 8, 2005, 06:26 PM
Number of posts, all time: 36,437
Number of posts, last 90 days: 0
Favorite main forum: NA
Favorite topic forum: NA
Last post: Tue Aug 29, 2017, 08:48 AM
Willing to serve on Juries: Yes
Chance of serving on Juries: 40% (explain)
alcibiades_mystery is not currently hosting any forums or groups.
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Today. I am giddy! It's TODAY!!!!!!
Tue Nov 8, 2016, 09:24 AM
Warmed up Turkey, Clinton Must be + 6-7 Points Nationally
Thu Nov 3, 2016, 11:02 AM
If you saw me next to the average Trump follower you couldn't tell me from him...
Wed Nov 2, 2016, 03:31 PM
Dear Election Concern Trolls;
Tue Nov 1, 2016, 10:31 AM
New Clinton campaign ad: "Measure"
Thu Oct 6, 2016, 11:33 AM
Latest Poll Votes
How many of you are between 40 and 60 have kids at home and work full time?
Wed Jul 27, 2016, 10:44 AM
If Bernie Sanders is not nominated, I will
Tue May 24, 2016, 03:10 PM
Was Bernie cheated out of the Democratic nomination?
Thu Apr 28, 2016, 07:35 PM
Wed Dec 31, 1969, 08:00 PM
Did Hillary Clinton steal Arizona?
Wed Mar 23, 2016, 12:40 PM