Are we kidding ourselves? [View all]
Watching MSNBC (I am sure it's the same on all channels), I am struck by the stark contrasts being shown on these political maps. Modern technology (graphics and telecommunication) hows a fascinating reality. Small islands of blue patches, surreunded by a sea of red patches.
The political battle is not "North" vs. "South"'s "cities/urban areas" vs. "rural areas". Red is rural, blue is hi density people.
I lived a long time in the 2nd ME district in a small rural town for 25 years. It was surrounded by a lot of small rural towns. One thing I know, there is a very limited breadth of human interaction in these communities. Literally, their views are necessarily limited and insulated from a broad cross-section of society but their views are continually reinforced collectively within their limited community.
I am pretty sure that Fox News has more influence in rural communities than any other source. As such, they have inordinate influence on lots of rural communities. Repeat and reinforce with little or no challenge.
We need a political strategy that bridges these fundamental cultural differences.