I'm trying to concentrate on what a meaningful life he had. That's something that really stands out to me. My friend was a great family man, and an outstanding teacher. And he knew how to have fun -- I remember watching boxing at his home in the 1970s while consuming a variety of "top shelf" beers. He stopped going to live boxing cards after one of his students fought in the mid-state Golden Gloves. He was seated next to the kid's mother, when after the fight, the kid told them he was going to take a shower and would be back out in a couple minutes. But once in the locker room, the kid died as a result of the punches he had taken. That young man didn't have time to lead a full & meaningful life.
I find your idea regarding zombies interesting. It reminds me of many years ago, I think in the late 1970s, a Native American Clan Mother told us there were a growing number of individuals without any sense of goodness inhabiting the land. They would follow those with no soul. I find myself remembering this, as I watch the unfolding of the crumbling of the empire. Still, I remain fully confident that Good People will grow something new and better from the putrid compost of the Trump era.
Isolating Trump is the best alternative that I can see now. He's both the biggest and smallest bully of our times. Still, there are times when I think about when Trump attempted to buy Mike Tyson's contract from Don King. It was in Tyson's out-of-control cocaine phase, when Iron Mike was prone to assaulting those who annoyed him. It's fun to consider what might have been !