I dont care how annoyed people are with voters, the job of a candidate and their campaign is to win. It is astonishing to me that some Democrats are content to let our elected leaders voice support for Trump in order to somehow triangulate and win, but express annoyance that supporting Trump comes with some blowback.
Harry Truman knew what he was talking about when he said, given a choice between a Republican and a Democrat who acts like a Republican, voters are gonna pick the Republican.
Amy has run a terrible campaign. 40 million dollars and she barely beat her opponent who spent $3 million. Her desire not to offend means that she has no values. This is actually not how one wins support from Independents, let alone voters who dont vote all the time.
What exactly has changed for poor people in Kentucky over the last 15 years? Trump sucks, sure, but outside of covid, has life been all that different for non political people?
I feel like when Democrats say f voters, they are picturing some spoiled white male bernie bro type, and not a single mom with two parttime jobs and rickety childcare who rarely pays a lot of attention to politics because voting has never made much of a difference for her daily life.
Give her something to vote for and maybe she will get up an hour early or stand in line for two hours to do it. But she doesnt owe us a thing, we are the ones who owe her. And maybe if we actually make government work again, we will earn her vote next time as well.