Between Putin and the right wing extremists, Vice President Biden is not safe. I realize the Secret Service are good at their job, but they are not perfect. It takes just one little slip up, or an inopportune moment for a horrible disaster to occur - whether it be a gun, knife or poison.
The other day, I had a near panic attack thinking about President Biden's Inaugural parade. This is one year i hope they cancel the outdoor proceedings. With Covid, they can't jam pack the stage area as they've done in the past. Let alone have masses of people cheering our new Administration on. It's just not safe. Even with masks, it's not safe with that many of people. Although, I would feel so satisfied to see the crowd size, then compare it with Donald's handful that showed up, lol.
Anyway, Donald and the GOP remaining suspiciously silent regarding Putin only gives Putin license to carry out his destruction of America.
I don't understand the silence of American citizens. My God, Putin has placed a bounty on the heads of our soldiers! Why is our media so quiet about this? Oh, sure, they mention it every now and then. But this deserves more than a mere mention!
I'm hoping once President Biden is in office, the United States and our allies put their heads together and come up with a few surprises for Putin. Hell, if I could, I'd even gift wrap it for them.
Putin needs to be put in his place, along with his American collaborators in the current White House and Congress (the media, too).