... will more than make up for any voters he loses.
Polls of "likely voters" assume votes will be counted. This assumption is NOT true. It is EXTREMELY likely that 5% to 10% of Biden voters will either be prevented from voting or will have their ballots disallowed.
And even enough Biden votes are caste to overcome the "voter suppression" disadvantage, Trump legal challenges that make it to the Supreme court will be decided in Trump's favor by traitors in black robes.
It is terrifying, but we must recognize the risk of that this election will be successfully stolen by Trump is very high. We must do more than GOTV. We must be fighting against every tactic for suppressing Biden votes they have in their arsenal.
For example, we need a MASSIVE public information campaign advising all voters who vote by mail to read every instruction carefully, and triple check that their ballot is 100% error-free and packaged as required with any required certifications on envelopes and any required secrecy sleeves.
Statistics on the number of mail-in ballots rejected in states with the most egregious practices, and the importance of submitting an error-free ballot, needs to be hammered into people's heads.
Some ideas:
Get the location of your state's Biden headquarters. Write a letter asking them to include how critical it is to get you ballot "right" -- and how to do it -- along with EVERY GOTV message. And beg that they encourage Biden do the same whenever he talks about how critical it is to get your vote in ASAP.
Get contact information for other democratic candidate headquarters in your state and do the same.
If there aren't enough early voting and election day polling places in your county, write letters to the editor and cc your county election officials.
Do whatever else you can think of to help ensure Biden can easily vote and HAVE THEIR VOTES COUNTED. And encourage others to do the same.