I was never anti-Biden; I just wasn't inspired by him. I was thrilled by the array of choices in the 2020 primary, so much so that I couldn't pick a "favorite" to save my life. The one thing I knew for sure was that I did not want an "old white man." I wanted a woman, a poc, someone who represented the diversity of the Democratic Party and the diversity of America in some way. Mayor Pete, an out gay man? Sure! But please, no old white guys need apply!
I felt so strongly about it that I immediately crossed both Joe and Bernie off my list. I'm not proud of it, believe me, but I'm not gonna lie, that's what I did. I just did not want that election to be a battle between 2 old white guys. Reading what I just typed makes me cringe now, but that is the fact of the matter!
I had some time to decide on my vote, because my state's primary is not one of the early ones. It's not super late, but it's late enough that the nomination is often decided, or nearly so, by the time our turn comes. Sometimes I'm bummed out, because it can feel like my vote in the primary doesn't count for as much as it would if I lived in one of the Super Tuesday states.
In 2020, I was still on the fence when the South Carolina primary rolled around on February 29. That landslide in SC almost seemed like a sign to me. I had been unable to commit to anyone up until then, but all of a sudden, my choice was crystal clear. I've been on Team Biden ever since, and I've never been so happy to admit to being wrong about something in my life!
I wish I could have seen his greatness on my own without SC having to hit me over the head with a symbolic 2 x 4, but I'm glad I was paying enough attention to get the message.