He's not dangerous because he is "strong". He is dangerous because he is "weak". [View all]
He is the most insecure leader in the history of this nation. Although he likes to brag about his friendship with dictators like Kim Jong Un, Xi of China, Putin of Russia, and other autocrats, they look at him as an easy mark.
He is a weak man who attracts the weakest of followers. Look at the folks at his rallies. They dress up like they are an army of super heroes. When, in fact, they are the weakest of Americans. They are looking for a "strong man" to lean on. Trump has conned all of them. He is the weakest of them all.
His name-calling and false bravado are nothing but a cover. He is running scared. He is deathly afraid that he will be held accountable for the crimes he has committed and the fraud he has perpetrated upon his followers and the people of America.
The day is coming soon when the cards will be laid upon the table. The truth will be presented and it will be accepted or denied. Lies and denial will not change the facts.
The followers of this insecure con artist will be left with nothing except their shame and dishonor.