So much so that I have broken my break-from-DU silence to speak my mind.
Joe Biden is not hurting the Democratic Party.
Putin, MAGARepublicans and their allies are loving it, aiming against us all of the $$$, propaganda, operations and who knows what else they can devise.
Polls can show whatever the maker wants them to show.
President Biden is an Elder Statesman with decades of experience and knowledge, domestic and foreign. He has made great strides despite the ubiquitous obstruction and interference of the MAGAPutin Republicans.
Should he step aside, Kamala Harris would be the only person who could inherit his war chest built by constituents, large and small, who support him.
Are those uber-wealthy mostly anonymous donors, Democratic Republican and Other, more worried about our President or about losing in 2025 the ridiculous tax cuts they received from the previous administration? Who are all these (looking cowardly) anonymous donors and Congress Critters stirring the pot against Biden~Harris? What is their agenda? Who do they want for our next President and Vice President? Certainly not the disgraceful felonious rapist former president. And JD Vance?!?!
JD=Just Dont.
I envision a second Biden-Harris administration. My vision is as valid as any poll ( and any other persons vision), just saying.
When we re-elect Biden~Harris, Kamala Harris will remain ready and able to take over as President should Joe Biden then need or want to step down. Lots of wonderful options will be considered for a new VP.
I continue to dance with and work for the ones who brought me.
I am not alone.
🕊🩵🌞💫🎶 thatcrowwoman