My brother surprised me [View all]
He and my SIL are huge tRump backers...they are even attending his rally tonight in MN. The atmosphere is so toxic I have to limit my time in their presence just to remain sane.
Tonight he told me something that I did not expect.
He said that he could not wait till this election was over so the country could start to heal. He realizes the division in this nation and that we are going down a dark path.
While I don't understand his logic, how he thinks that even if tRump wins, that he will be out of the picture in 2028. He asked me if he could be elected a 3rd time even if the terms were served non sequential.
I just did not feel like going there to tell him that if he did win there would not be a 2028 election.
Even though the events of this last week should have lifted my spirits beyond words, I'm just so run down and exhausted from everything prior. It's a depression I am really trying to fight through but finding it daunting.
Without trying to go into his logic how he can support such a monster and him being one half of a mixed marriage, which makes it even more perplexing, I do have some hope because he at least sees beyond what I thought he was capable of seeing.
Maybe attending that rally and seeing the insanity in person without the filter of Fox and Newsmax will open his eyes further? Maybe Shady and tRump will go so completely off the rails that something might click in his head?
I know a lot of this is babble, but I need to find some light here.