However, the problem is... in a pluralistic democracy, what do you do with the 1/3 of the American people who have a *different* vision, but are just as passionately committed to it? To make the problem worse, that 1/3 of the people believe they have waited long enough to see their vision accomplished and are now willing to do anything... lie, cheat, steal, murder... in order to finally make it manifest?
We are committed to our vision, because we believe it's not only constitutional, but also in the spirit of the founding fathers. Unfortunately, there were disagreements within the group of founding fathers. And I think we're still seeing that disagreement play out today. Our continual problem has been striking a balance between these two major disagreements. Today, we've seen it blow up to where "they" feel only violence will end it. I don't see how we get out of this except by splitting the country in two sections. But there are SO many issues and problems doing that... and that's before we get to the point that they will probably never hold true to any compact or treaty.
This should be decided at each and every election. That's the way it should be done. But there IS too much gerryrigging, cheating, attempting to cheat, and election (not voter) fraud. I don't know how we get it back to an acceptable baseline, and I don't know if getting it there will help as long as we have one party who's willing to do anything to ensure they win. One thing I know I do desperately want is one person-one vote, IOW... no more electoral college!