And if they were to admit that he might pissible lied about the election, that would open the the door to admitting that he's lied about other things and acknowledging that he's a liar in general. And then where would they be?
At this point, they (by which I mean those who are full-fledged members of the cult) are deeply invested in the belief that the Orange Hellbeast is their lord and savior, come to rescue them and other "real" Americans from all the things they fear. You know, things like:
- black and brown immigrants
- black and brown people in general
- muslims, jews, atheists, and anyone else who doesn't share their religious beliefs
- women who want to be able to make decisions about their own bodies and the health care they're allowed to receive
- LGBTQ+ people (especially those scary drag queens
) who think they're entitled to the same rights as everyone else
- all those evil teachers and librarians who want to turn kids gay (or worse, trans) and woke by letting them read books that depict any of the above kinds of people as anything other than subhuman, depict slavery as a BAD thing, and/or provide a view of history that isn't completely sanitized and pro white people
- and so on and so forth
Obligatory sarcasm emoji:
The MAGA cultists can't afford to let even a tiny sliver of truth penetrate their defenses and will always fight to hang on to their illusions. Why? Because they believe they NEED the Orange Hellbeast to save them from all of the above, and they don't want to live in a world where they'd have to face their fears without their "protector."
It's sad, and it's sick, but these losers desperately want and need to hang on to their illusions and will fight tooth and nail to do so.
Fortunately, not all Trump voters are full-fledged cultists, and some of them are reachable. Many people who voted for Trump in the past have already recognized how dangerous he is and pledged their support to Harris and Walz, and, with luck and hard work, many more will do the same in the coming weeks.
We can't do anything about the brainwashed, fully invested cultists, but fortunately, there's a lot we CAN do to win this election without (and in spite of) them!