About that crypto thing he did on Friday [View all]
Is it reasonable to suspect that it was devised as a way for (whomever) to transfer wealth to him in a pretty opaque manner (aka money laundering)? For example, perhaps the whole TikTok thing is involved?
"Buy (x number) of $trump meme coin (or whatever it actually is) and I'll see what I can do" or something like that. Either stated directly or not at all, but implied (typical mob boss).
The purchase causes the price to spike, and those in-the-know can sell into it.
I could even see him demanding the wallet keys, either to control, or to just remove them from any circulation, ever (think: Satoshi's 1 million bitcoin).
Clearly there's an angle involved, and now that his campaign days are over, he can't use super PACs to enrich himself/pay his bills anymore.
At first I just figured he was grifting from his base, again. But when the value went into the tens of billions within hours, I started wondering if bigger money was involved.
It is so shameful that this is even a topic of discussion. That monster ruined so much.