to even return to the moon.
Not reliable technology.
We lost the plans to the Saturn 5 heavy booster and, so far, neither NASA nor SpaceX nor any other effort has a reliable vehicle to get us to the moon and return back to earth with people. Yes, there are prototypes being tested... but nothing reliable yet.
SpaceX Starship... is not reliable.
We have yet to solve the issues surrounding long term space flight for humans on a interplanetary voyage. I'm talking not months of exposure to solar radiation, but years of it since a round trip will take at least 3 years at present ( with both the earth and mars orbital positions where they are right now and given the energy needed for a direct to mars flight path. Other trips could be shorter but require us to build the mars vehicle in space and fuel it with multiple LEO flights and waiting until Mars and the Earth are in more optimal positions relative to each other.
For a long duration flight, we need a huge vehicle... with a lot of shielding, something on the order of flying the ISS to Mars and back or the Jupiter mission from the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey. Presently that is out of our ability to build even if NASA or SpaceX started today. Not to mention the cost would be... in a word... astronomical.
I used to play these games ( theoretical paper what if games ) at NASA ( because they let anyone there play at creating a theoretical plan ).
Sorry MOB fans, but that is the truth. Plus, there is NO compelling reason to send PEOPLE to another planet... we can do much better sending rovers with AI. They are much cheaper, they can do almost everything a person can do, there is no risk to human life, and they have proven that they can operate on Mars for years per rover.