Obamacare enrollment tops 5 million amid surge in sign-ups [View all]
Obamacare enrollment tops 5 million amid surge in sign-ups
By Noam Levey
March 17, 2014, 3:55 p.m.
WASHINGTON More than 5 million people have now signed up for health insurance on marketplaces created by President Obamas healthcare law, thanks to a surge in enrollment over the last two weeks, the Obama administration announced Monday.
The quickening pace of sign-ups confirms that many Americans are using the new marketplaces as a March 31 deadline approaches for getting coverage this year.
The latest figures indicate that roughly 1 million people enrolled during the last two weeks, surpassing the total for all of February.
If the pace continues, the Obama administration may come close to registering 6 million sign-ups in the first year that Americans are able to get guaranteed health coverage under the Affordable Care Act.