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In reply to the discussion: Let’s abandon the Democrats: Stop blaming Fox News and stop hoping Elizabeth Warren will save us [View all]Blanks
(4,835 posts)Those that complain about how there's no difference between the two parties get closer to being right each election cycle.
Here in Arkansas, Mark Pryor complained that Tom Cotton had billionaire donors and was spending 5 times as much on the campaign as he was. We had the DCCC sending out those idiotic 'pack it in' emails. If we expect democrats to govern in our best interest, we have to get to a point where they can win elections without wealthy donors. They're gonna work for the folks who make sure they get elected. Of course Cotton won by a whole bunch.
If we want democrats to act like democrats, they have to start winning without spending as much money. We have to make people understand that the candidate who runs the most commercials is the candidate that is the most beholden to the wealthy donors. It is one of the reasons that they've (Koch Brothers etc) worked so hard in Wisconsin to strangle the public employee unions. Knock off an established democratic candidate donor and you can count on winning from that point on, or the democrats will come to you for contributions and you control both parties.
I still think Ross Perot had the right idea. If you want to get the word out about what you stand for, you run a paid advertisement, you show charts and graphs. It is cheaper to have a half hour program than it is to run a half hour worth of advertising. They asked him why he did it that way - he said it was cost effective. He said people were hungry for them, I think he was right. We complain that the press is too right leaning, let's have a paid advertisements that straighten out the right wing lies and deceit.
They can't be very expensive. We have a clothing store and a used car dealer running ads just before the Sunday morning talk shows. I'd bet it costs less for that half hour slot than 30 seconds during prime time.