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Showing Original Post only (View all)OOPs! Did Missouri Execute Wrong 75 Year Old Brain Damaged Guy? [View all]
Yesterday, our - "G r e a t" state of Missouri, executed a 75 year old guy with parts of his brain's missing. Though he wasn't an innocent, he most assuredly is a victim of blood thirsty justice. For, as you can see by the NEWS article, the Prosecutors (apparently using either Boiler Plate pleadings and/or cut-n-paste's of others) - entered bogus facts and erroneous names into its opposition. For more - please see the article titled;
[center][font size=4 color=burnt red]Missouri Gets The Name Of The Man It Is Trying To Execute Wrong[/font][/center]
As is reported, Cecil Clayton is the party to be executed. Without getting into the technicalities of "Novation", "Legal Fiction" and/or "Accommodation Endorsement" and other such non-layman legal bantering, everyone with any common sense knows that a brief, by a prosecutor seeking the death penalty, can NOT be full of errors.
Especially errors concerning the name of the party and facts/issues at hand.
Be that as it may, as you can see by the BuzzFeed pic below, the case is Cecil Clayton (it is NOT "Walter Storey" and/or "Clay" . As you will see, when (if) you go to the link provided, the are many Prosecutorial errors in naming the parties.
The question IS - did ANYbody (including the Supreme Court) actually read the briefs?
Here's the opening remark from the BuzzFeed article and the heading of the brief in question.

[center][font size=5 color=navy blue]DID ANYBODY ACTUALLY TAKE TIME TO READ THE BRIEF[/font][/center]
If you and I, the Innocence Project and BuzzFeed can catch the errors in names (see the actually story and the online version of the actual brief - HERE); then surely the Justices and/or their Clerks would have caught such too. Therefore, once has to ask the question that begs
- Did ANYONE (of authority/ for authority) actually take time to read the briefs.
Or was the fix in and case rigged to execute?
At the barest of minimums, the Supreme Court should have kicked the brief out and someone with common sense should have ordered the prosecutors to clean it up. HOW can a person be executed, when the party seeking to execute (murder by state) doesn't even take the time to get the name right.
Facts are Facts.
As anyone can see, there are several mentions that Storey failed this and Storey doesn't meet the standard. HENCE, the prosecutor failed to (properly) state a case against Cecil. As is evident by the BuzzFeed item of note here;

And - then the run to hit errors continues, with the mentioning of "Clay"

And then the wayward prosecutor banters on about "Storey" (a person already deceased) - with this remark;

It looks like both the reviewing courts and the prosecutors have some 'splain'n to do!
I'm just sayin................... OOPs![br][hr][br]
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