American Workers Paid To Much To Compete Globally. [View all]
The reason "good jobs" rhetoric is just empty baloney is that Wall Street and big business believes American workers are paid too much to compete in a global economy where there is so much cheap labor around. Americans would have to make 20% less in order to reach parity with the rest of the global economy. In fact paying fringe benefits to workers is too much in that most global workers have no benefits or safety net if they lose a job.
That belief is the reason why so many jobs pay little and good paying jobs are even paying less. A few years age some Wall streeters wrote and article in Fortune magazine state such an idea.
So when you hear a politician talk about competing in a global economy it is nothing more than saying workers must accept working for less. That is why the business community is against $15 and hour and even do not want minimum wage laws. The free market wage is what workers in lower paid countries work for. And with trade agreements we are tied to that wage level.