France is "considering blocking" Tor and banning public Wi-Fi connections,says blog. [View all]
French article translated:
The services of the Interior Ministry are considering a number of measures to strengthen once more security at the expense of freedoms. Compulsory cutting of any open Wi-Fi network , blocking anonymizing networks and provision of messaging encryption keys are among the tracks submitted to arbitration.
The list of measures considered by the government to strengthen security at the expense of freedom and privacy extends.
While the government is already considering new security laws that would allow eg to cross all personal data files held by the state, to force the installation of GPS transmitters on leased cars, lengthen the retention of connection data or to facilitate the use of IMSI catchers - Le Monde Saturday reveals new measures identified by the Interior Ministry .
This is from a French blog, the same info. has been floating around for a few days on the internet.
apparently the Paris attackers `were using non-encrypted communications.
There is some serious concern that the attacks are being used to limit use of internet.