Obama's new rules they are applying to these schools are shutting them down.Millions have been taken by these schools, the government needs to start seizing the assets of the schools and their shareholders so they can pay the student loans off for the students.
As I've said before, I spent a summer working for ITT in the early 90s in their job placement office. None of their grads were getting jobs, a year after graduation only 1 out of 95 grads in the program I was helping had a job in their field. 1 out of 95!!!
And I worked in the same room with their recruiters. These guys were cutthroat hard core salespeople. I saw them brow beating kids and their parents into signing, I saw them bully, I saw them guilt kids and their folks, I saw them flat out lie. And they had a profile of kids to target, they were looking for kids whose parents weren't college grads, kids who didn't do so great in high school, kids whose parents didn't make a lot of money. It was a science and once they got these families on campus there was nothing that was going to stop them from getting signatures. "It's all paid for, just sign here." "We guarantee you a high paying job after you graduate, sign here." "We'll help with housing and food, everything is all taken care of, sign here." Even today after dozens of stories on TV and in print, people still have no clue how devious these places are. They pay their actual teaching staff next to nothing, and they're worth next to nothing because they probably are in no way qualified to teach at the college level. The sales force, the admins, and the execs pocket all of it. The facilities are cheap, the equipment is ancient, and the technology is way past stale. You'll find a more moral group at any used car lot in the city.
And once you are in the program, they couldn't care less about students graduating. They'd frequently push kids to switch programs so they could continue to max out their student loans. They actually preferred kids didn't graduate, less questions that way because the students would then just blame themselves. People have no idea how evil these people are, just pure predators.