Well over 80% of GMO crops suck up glyphosate, and then deliver residue of the weed killer into just about everything industrial food product or beverage you consume.
The chemical-GMO corporate combine keeps claiming that's cool - no problem to have your body tissues tainted with the weed killer. But their "claims" continue to be the subject of well-deserved controversy:
Oct. 25, 2016
Science Committee Chair: EPA Gave Misleading Testimony on Herbicide Study
House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) on Tuesday accused Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy of giving misleading testimony on an international study on the safety of the widely used herbicide glyphosate.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer released a report in March 2015 saying glyphosate is probably carcinogenic. Other international organizations, including the United Nations and World Health Organization, have published reports that conflict with IARCs findings. In September, the EPA published a paper that said glyphosate is probably not carcinogenic and scheduled a Scientific Advisory Panel meeting for Oct. 18-21. Then, a few days ahead of the meeting, the agency postponed it for later this year...
...In light of these contradictions, recent actions taken by EPA to further delay the Science Advisory Panel review for glyphosate do not instill confidence that EPA will fairly assess glyphosate based on sound science, Smith wrote in the letter to McCarthy.