General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Would you personally be willing to take up arms to prevent red states from seceding? [View all]heaven05
(18,124 posts)the reds and the blues, the racists and progressives, PoC and whites who are bent on making ameriKKKa great again are headed for some type of confrontation. PoC are not wanted and are truly hated and feared by the trumpfuhrer base, immigrants and Latinos are somewhere in the middle of black and white peoples.....we got a mess brewing and the slow drift toward boil over will happen and is already ongoing.....trumpfuhrer let this evil genie out and it ain't going back in the bottle. But that's what his base of ugly, ugly ameriKKKans wants. If they shoot, I shoot. Purely defensive, but I've been in the streets they are bold and arrogant and will make a mistake with someone, somewhere and then it WILL BE ON! Guaranteed. People they hate are angry also and ain't going to the hanging tree meekly.