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imagine how the GOP feels right now. I am sure that to a man/woman, there isnt a Republican in office who doesnt long for the halcyon days when their only job was doing what they do best whining, complaining, and obstructing.
It was an easy-breezy time, when they could spend their days just shooting down every Democratic idea that came along, and no one expected them to actually come up with any ideas of their own. Their hours were filled with simple tasks; like debating who could use which toilet, or how to prove that a fetus is a viable human being at least a decade before its conceived.
There was no white-knuckling through every presidential meeting with a foreign leader, hoping against hope that we still had at least a few allies left at the end of the day. There was no waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, watching out the window for a mushroom cloud because a 3 a.m. tweet just triggered World War III.
Surely they long for the Camelot-like era when they didnt have to shut down their office phones, email and fax machine to avoid the deluge of furious constituents, or couldnt attend townhalls out of fear for their personal safety.
It was a simpler time a time free of red-faced humiliation as a reporter asked for a comment about the Bowling Green Massacre, or questioned whether you thought your microwave was spying on you every time you heated-up a slice of leftover pizza.
Oh, for the return of that glorious time when the biggest scandal their party had to face was an elected representative being caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy, instead of a pResident who is potentially vulnerable to blackmail because he was caught pissing on Russian prostitutes their gender and state of being dead-or-alive still unknown, and open to conjecture.
Ive no doubt there isnt a Republican in office who doesnt harken back to those idyllic days when threatening to shut down abortion clinics and withholding food-stamps from hungry kids were the most pressing thing on their agenda and no one expected them to actually accomplish anything because as far as their base is concerned, its really just the thought that counts.
Ah, yes, those were the days, my friend the days when the mention of Russian ties meant cheap neckwear manufactured in Moscow, when the word treason never came up unless one was referring to Benedict Arnold, when Republicans could turn on CNN and not run to the bathroom and hurl after seeing the Late Breaking News chryron displayed at the bottom of the screen.
So if you think we miss Obama being POTUS, imagine what its like for the GOP. Their only job for eight years was to do the only thing they know how to do: whinge incessantly about a man whose every statement was measured and intelligent, whose every action drew the respect of the global community, whose every policy advanced the betterment of his fellow citizens, and whose entire tenure in office was scandal-free.
Compare that to having to support/defend an incompetent, lying, pussy-grabbing pResident who spends his days Tweeting inane bullshit while the evidence of his treason piles up on an hourly basis and tell me there isnt an elected Republican who doesnt fantasize about the good ol days when Michelle wearing a sleeveless dress was THE rant-worthy topic of a 24-hour news cycle.
While WE Democrats may miss Obama, I assure you that no one misses him more than the Republicans who spent eight angst-free years, free of the responsibilities of doing anything more than whinging about him and now find themselves not only expected to actually DO something, but are expected to actually support The Idiot who is destroying their own party.
Be careful what you wish for, Republicans because as things have turned out, what you wished for is about to be your ultimate undoing. And without Obama to rail against, there is no one to blame but yourselves.