There is so much pain with 45. Just desultory thoughts here. [View all]
The country is a dark and seemingly hopeless mess. Everyday pieces of the normal life are chipped away from the foundation of the land.
This Portland murder is too much. A young man, an actual social warrior, lost his life and so did a veteran with 3 teenage boys at home along with a 12 year old daughter. They stood up for two Muslim women who were just living their lives and riding mass transit.Now Silence from the GOP and the make America great con artist. There is so much hate in our country and the pain of the endless list of victims is soul crushing.
Beating up reporters is the new norm. 45 praises all sorts of autocrats while he scorns old, faithful and democratic allies.
Our legislative branch can't wait to destroy healthcare in the name of giving billionaires more money in their pocket. They have the government by the throat.
We have an actual royal family in the White House that possesses no skills in running a Republic and clearly has no patience for the American process that was forged over the centuries. Russia is a natural role model for these Romanovs.
The cornerstone of the American way is optimism. This optimism made us dangerous at times but it was also envied by other countries. Yet the American carnage crew that is in charge at the executive branch ,complete with its cast of super villains, has offered nothing but darkness.
is there life left in the old Republic? I really don't know. But I do know that there are heroes still living here. They don't have capes and armor. They are clearly mortal. Sometimes heroes just ride mass transit.