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Showing Original Post only (View all)You Are Just Saying That Because You Hate Trump [View all]
Its a phrase being used more and more frequently by Republicans these days in response to any criticism of Trump, any questioning of his policies, any negative statements about him whatsoever.
While it is a completely ludicrous response, it is perfectly understandable. Those who once rightly or wrongly put their faith in their party and its policies have been reduced to throwing out a childish retort in lieu of having to yet again try to spin straw into gold.
Youre just saying that because you hate Trump is the equivalent of Youre rubber and Im glue, a schoolyard tactic meant to end all discussion when an ignorant child has run out of plausible arguments when caught trying to defend the indefensible.
I appreciate the untenable position Republicans now find themselves in. Engaging in endless damage control 24/7 is enough to kill any mans soul. Having to bend over backwards, literally every minute of every day, in order to explain or reason away Trumps inane statements, his declaration of policies that have no basis in reality, his ridiculous tweets, and the overwhelming evidence that he doesnt understand a god-damned thing about the responsibilities of his office is enough to lead even the most ardent GOP-defender to throw his hands in the air and hide behind the you just hate Trump meme in hopes that the bleedin obvious will somehow go away.
So its now just a matter of phoning it in thus the use of the Youre just saying that because you hate Trump response. The Republicans showing up on news shows are apparently sick and tired of trying to make sense of their pResidents nonsense, tired of polishing the turds that emanate from his mouth every day, tired of coming up with excuses for his obvious-to-all idiocy.
The fact is that people arent going after Trump because they hate him they hate what he is, what he does, what he says, and what he stands for. They hate the fact that someone this ignorant, this clueless, this totally self-absorbed, lying asshole was somehow elected to the Oval Office.
What they hate is the idea that a complete dumbass is in a position to make decisions that affect not just our nation, but the world. They hate the fact that someone completely devoid not only of intelligence, but common sense, is using his office to be divisive, to incite violence, to distance us from our allies, to taunt our enemies (like North Korea), and to praise our Russian enemies while casting his own party members as unethical traitors if they speak up against his lunacy.
Does anyone actually hate Trump as a person? Ive no doubt that many people do. But most of us dont because once you peel away the ego, the braggadocio, the ludicrous lies, the posturing, the ignorance, the stupidity, the fire and fury rhetoric, theres really not enough of a person there to have any real feelings about.
While Republicans cower behind Youre just saying that because you hate Trump, the truth of the matter becomes blatantly obvious: Republicans simply have nowhere else to go.