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In reply to the discussion: Nancy Pelosi Just Sent a Dire Warning About the Whistleblower Complaint to Trump [View all]Orrex
(63,801 posts)"Let's just let this fire burn for another year or so, and THEN we'll really soak it. Or we'll try, sort of."
If they don't have "the goods" on Trump by now, then they're never going to have "the goods." I'm sorry, but that's the plain truth of it.
And if Moscow Mitch shuts it down, then fuck him in his dusty cloaca. In resisting impeachment (and even in pre-emptively taking it off the table, as Pelosi did), the Speaker is endorsing the width and breadth of Trump's shit show.
I could maybe stomach all of this 27th dimensional chess if there are any reason at all to believe that it was actually happening, but to all observation, it looks unmistakably like Pelosi is doing nothing, notwithstanding the reassurances of her colleagues who tell us "just wait, there's something big coming!"